Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tennessee, Sevierville - Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - RV Dreams Rally

Monday morning we pulled out to finish our trip to Tennessee.  I wanted to stop at Hobby Lobby and see if they had any good Spring items on sale since it was after Easter.  I did pick up a few things for our decorative trays at the front of the coach.
We also noticed there must have been something special going on at Sportsman’s Warehouse.  Greg said you usually don’t see guys standing around waiting for a store to open unless it is on Christmas Eve and that last minute shopping needs to be completed.

It was rainy and overcast most of the day.  We noticed the further south we got dogwoods were starting to bloom, the redbuds were fading and the new leaves were coming out on the trees in much greater quantity than they were in Indiana.


Jellico Mountain here we come.  The coach did remarkably well going up and down the mountain.  I was glad that the weather cleared off and we actually had some sunshine while we on Jellico.  I understand that the town of Jellico had some really strong winds earlier in the day so I’m glad we missed that!
We are staying at River Plantation RV Resort.  There are 175 people registered for this rally and naturally all of the rigs are situated in pretty much adjoining sites.  It’s fun to talk to other people who are living full time in their RVs and those who are just now thinking about the full time lifestyle.  Greg is always a magnet for guys asking questions.

These are some views of our site #430.  We are located on the outside edge of the resort next to the Little Pigeon River.  The river is just beyond the tree line.
I did manage to sneak up on a group of turtles and get a picture before they went diving for the safety of the water.


  1. I had to laugh at the rock displays in the window. Dianne collects rocks while we travel that we lug back to TX . We have similar trays all over our patio.

    I remember many trips up and down Jellico Mountain. The entire family --- parents, brother, sister-in-law, all the kids --- went to Gatlinburg every Fall Break. We always stayed at the same motel on the Little Pigeon River. Good memories.

  2. It was GREAT meeting you guys at the rally! Hope you enjoy your travels and that we get to see you on the road again sometime.
    Sean and Christine
