Monday, November 18, 2013

Mississippi, Bay St. Louis - Monday, November 18, 2013 - Not Much Going On

Our thoughts and prayers go out to our family and friends in our home state of Indiana.  Indiana was hit hard yesterday by a series of tornadoes.  So far we believe everyone is physically ok.  We hope that damage to homes and businesses wasn’t too severe.
Weather is warm here but still rainy so we are staying inside and being lazy.  Since we still don’t have a date for when our refrigerator cooling system will be shipped I spent some time researching what I could fix with just pantry items.  So far we are doing really well, but I may run out of ideas on my own before we get this thing fixed.  Looks like it may be another 6-10 days.

We’ll be doing some shopping tomorrow for some more pantry staples.  I did get really energetic and make a chocolate mayonnaise cake today – pretty good with some lite cherry pie filling on top.  I had an unopened jar of mayo in the pantry so I could make this happen.
Christmas lists are coming in from the grandkids so we’ve been doing some online research to see if we can find what they want.

We still plan on being in Gulf Shores on Thursday to meet up with our friends for a few days.  When the fridge part comes in we’ll come back to Bay St. Louis to get it installed.  It’s probably less than a two hour drive back over here, then we’ll head back to Gulf Shores for a while.  This really isn’t a bad place to be delayed.

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